
Showing posts from November, 2022

My Broken Mug

 MindLoveMisery's Menagerie Same, Same, But Different - Saturday Mix Your ‘Same Same But Different’ task is to take the five challenge words and NOT use them in your writing. That’s right, you need to dig out your thesaurus and find a synonym for each word instead. Your words are: cup splash hit drop sad My words: Cup -  mug   Splash – slosh Hit – land Drop – fall Sad – broken heart I watched it fall on the hard oak floor, my favorite mug full of cocoa. I watched it land, with a crack and a slosh, and the mug, like my heart, was broken.    ©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved  #mindlovemiserysmenagerie #samesamebutdifferent #saturdaymix #freeversepoetry #wordpromptpoetry #synonymspoem

The Gray Scarf - a Ukiah

Tanka Tuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge No. 199 Theme prompt from Eugi: The Gray Scarf  For this prompt I have written a ukiah, which is an invented form of reverse haiku.   Invented by Robert Ropars, the syllable count is 7/5/7, each line rhymes, and there is a title.   image: public domain  My angora scarf of gray in puff stitch crochet keeps winter chills at bay ©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #tankatuesday #tankatuesdayweeklypoetrychallenge #tankatuesdayno199 #themeprompt #syllablicpoetry #syllabicpoem #ukiahpoetry #ukiahpoem #reversehaiku 

A Mouse Party

 MindLoveMisery's Menagerie Wordle #296 Prompt words in red.   Words from the editor's intro to the issue letter from the December/January 2023 edition of Country Living magazine.    Why?  Because I was reading the magazine, working on a new Wordle, and noticed some interesting words!  I've used this same editor's words before . Like clockwork , chaos arrives on tiny feet. The mice are nothing if not punctual.  Some arrive wearing camellia petals sideways on their heads. Little mousy berets. They call dibs on the crumpets, never mind the fairy waiter’s valiant attempts to bring order. The china cups shatter , as peppermint tea sloshes. The time’s to mingle ! The time’s to charm , to dance and jump about! Then, like clockwork , the fun is over, each crumb is gone.  The mice exit as one, and order reigns once again. Juxtaposition The before. The after. Oh!  What a mess! ©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved #mindlovemiserys...