View From a Mountain Top

 Tanka Tuesday No. 274


For my syllabic form this week I chose the 

7/5 Trochee.  This form has the following rules:

  • 2 or more four line stanzas (quatrains)
  • syllable pattern 7/5/7/5
  • rhyme of either a/b/c/b or a/b/a/b (mine is a/b/a/b)
  • meter is "trochee," with is alternating stressed and unstressed beats.  In the 7/5 Trochee each line begins and ends with a stressed syllable.  (which is where I may have come up short!)

Photo Prompt:

© David, The Skeptic’s Kaddish

Far across the valley deep
what is that I see?
A flash of camera lens,
looking back at me!

Clear across the mountain tops
high above the trees,
shall we flash in Morse code a
plan to meet for tea?

©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesday #ekphrastic #photoprompt #PoetryChallengeNo.274 #ekphrasis #ekphrasticpoetry #7/5trochee




  1. I absolutely love that, Lisa! It's playful and fun. :-)

    1. Thank you. I did go for a bit of lightheartedness! No "rule" for the form as to keeping it serious!

  2. Wonderful and lots of fun, Lisa! 💕🙂 (Harmony Kent)

  3. This is a lovely poem , deep but light hearted and happy too 💜


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