
 A bit of nonsense I wrote for H Day during the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, but didn't end up using.

print by Terri Kupietz in author's collection


Beagles and Bassets,

and baying Walkers.

Deerhounds and Elkhounds

and Wolfhounds

so tall.

A hound for each taste!

A hound-dog for all!


Sight hounds,

and scent hounds

with long floppy ears.

Low to the ground hound


tall to astound.


Hounds that hunt otters.

Hounds that hunt fox.



Long silken locks.


There are hounds from Ibiza

and Africa too.

Hounds we've all heard of.

Hounds quite unknown.

French hounds,

and Finnish,

 American grown.


Hounds are a favorite,

from Dachshund to Plott.

Many people love hounds,

so happy and jolly.

I though, for my part,

prefer Border Collie!


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


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