Sweet Molly McGuire

 Friday Fictioneers 

photo prompt:

100 words

Ah, Sweet Molly McGuire

I knew her well, lik.

(A bit too well,

if you know what I’m sayin’!)

 Molly was mad as a ditch,


But we’d get snattered

all right.

Me muckers would say

I was just ridin’ out,

but they’re utter glunterpecks, lik.

They never knew Molly a bit.

She’d loan me a Joyce,

and I’d ask her go dollies.

With my Mol at my side,

I was jammy. 


What are you playing it?

Stop that strange talk!

You’re making a big spectacle!

Not only are you

not Irish a bit,

this pub is in Florida, fool!


©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


Thanks to  https://www.irishslang.info/ for the Irish slang!


  1. I love this especially the lingo! It's obviously a rery realistiv Irish tavern! Well done .

    Here's mine!

    1. I couldn't resist when I read it's really in Florida!

  2. I love reading Irish english, and love hearing it even more. The last stanza is a hoot!

  3. I am so impressed by this. Extremely well done.

  4. Dear Lisa,

    Love the dialogue. And yes, that pub is in Florida. The last line made me smile.



  5. I absolutely totally love this - if somebody asks me to go dollies should I accept? I think I want to :)

  6. You had a lot of fun with this. It was a joy to read.


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