
Showing posts from 2021

Sweet Molly McGuire

 Friday Fictioneers  photo prompt: 100 words Ah, Sweet Molly McGuire I knew her well, lik. (A bit too well, if you know what I’m sayin’!)   Molly was mad as a ditch, doolally. But we’d get snattered all right. Me muckers would say I was just ridin’ out, but they’re utter glunterpecks, lik. They never knew Molly a bit. She’d loan me a Joyce, and I’d ask her go dollies. With my Mol at my side, I was jammy.     What are you playing it? Stop that strange talk! You’re making a big spectacle! Not only are you not Irish a bit, this pub is in Florida, fool!   ©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved   Thanks to for the Irish slang!

A Wilted Poppy - Six Micropoems

 Friday Writings #6 optional prompt: Go micro!  Micropoetry.  I found there are quite a few opinions as to the definition of micropoetry.  Some include short poetry forms, haiku for instance.  Others refer to Tweetku or Twitter poetry, which are limited to a 140 character count.  140 characters to me is quite long if we are looking for "micro" works.  Some are written in text abbreviations, something I generally find too hard to make out.  So... I give you a six, a selection of what I would consider "micro" poems.  Some known short forms, others free-verse, and even (shudder) using text! Essence - two lines, six syllables each, with internal and end rhymes, any number of couplets   snow fall began at dawn   a bird call, twice then gone   drifts pile, the east winds moan all the wild geese have flown   ❄    ❄    ❄    ❄    ❄    ❄  ...