24 Seasons: Shosetsu (Light Snow) No. 9

 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 9

 Light Snow (November 22 – December 6) Shosetsu 小雪

"...choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the winter category (world kigo database) on the kigo word list links below. Share your kigo word on your post."

I chose "woodsmoke" from the In the Sky list.  

Woodsmoke was on my mind as colder weather has arrived and people are firing up their wood stoves.  While they seem like a clean, natural way to heat, back-to-nature if you will, and burning wood does smell wonderful, they can be a significant source of air pollution.  Years ago, in the mountains of California, the air was thick with smoke all winter.  

image source

Woodsmoke hangs heavy

the valley shrouded in grey

fragrant pollution

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved 

#tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #haiku  #kigo #japanesepoetry #24seasons #ritto


  1. You've captured the ambivalence of wood burning well. With out of control wildfires it's not easy to be a fan of it.

  2. Lisa, this is superb. I remember our wood-burning fireplace/stove from when we lived in Montana. It was nice and warm and smelled heavenly. Your haiku captures that perfectly. xx

  3. Some of the brownstones around here have working fireplaces, and it's always a pleasure to smell the burning wood. But a little goes a long way, as you point out.

  4. 'Fragrant pollution' -- so true. Beautifully crafted, Lisa.


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