24 Seasons: Ritto (The Beginning of Winter) No. 8

Tanka Tuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge No. 8 

 The Beginning of Winter (November 7 – 21) Ritto 立冬

"Below you will find the three kigo phrases (five syllables each). You can use them as the “turn lines” or “pivots” (third lines) for each of your three tanka, or as the first line of your tanka.

You must use one kigo phrase in each tanka as either the first line or the pivot line in each of your three tanka poems."

The kigo phrases are:

#1: “the first month with sleet”

#2: “late winter garden”

#3: “blanket by the fire”

the first month with sleet

these early cold days are hard

since I've been alone

the nights are so much longer

I don't know how long I'll last

squash dead on the vine

withered tomatoes turned brown

late winter garden 

hang up the garden hoses

close the garden shed door tight

the first cold morning

mug of hot cocoa in hand

blanket by the fire

warms my legs and the old dog

memories for when he's gone *

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

* Don't worry, my dog is only three, and I don't even have a fireplace!  I do have a dog that likes blankets though. 

#tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #haiku  #kigo #japanesepoetry #24seasons #ritto


  1. Lisa, I love this tanka series. It's really great how we can connect the happenings in our world to those three phrases.

  2. I like the quietude in your tanka series. Love your beautiful dog in the blanket pics.

  3. Beautiful and poignant poetry. I'm so glad you mentioned that the dog is fine. Hugs.

  4. Love your tanka series. And your dog is beautiful.😍


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