NaPoWriMo Day 4 Prompt - 2023

 Today's NoPoWriMo (day 4) prompt was to write a Triolet, a form I'd never tried before.  The instructions sound harder than it really is!   A Triolet is an eight line poem, with eight syllables in each line.  The first two lines repeat as lines 7 and 8, and line 1 repeats as line 4.  So, there you have 5/8 of the lines already written!  Now come the rhymes.  Line 3 and 5 rhyme with line 1.  Line 6 rhymes with the second line.   It was easiest to write the first two lines, then type them out with lines 3, 5, and 6 blank.  Then, go back and write the rhyme those. 

Here's what I did. 

Winter holds on tight this April

Refusing to cede to springtime


Winter holds on tight this April



Winter holds on tight this April

Refusing to cede to springtime 

My finished Triolet.

Winter holds on tight this April,

refusing to cede to springtime.

The rime thick on the shady hill,

winter holds on tight this April.

Breath comes out as a frosty chill,

the pure white snow trampled to grime,  

winter holds on tight this April,

refusing to cede to springtime. 


©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

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