Who Says Crime Doesn't Pay?

 Mindlovemiseries Menagerie 

Wordle #306

Prompt words in red.

photo source

      Circumstances can change faster than the weather. The two women were lucky that day.  Things were falling into place at long last. 
     They strolled, aimless strolling to the eyes of fellow pedestrians, down the busy city block, pausing now and again to peer in shop windows. In reality, they were far from aimless.  They spoke in hushed tones of tomorrow’s challenge
     Any sticky details had to be cleaned up, edges honed as sharp as the barber’s scissors one secreted in her handbag. The hourglass was running down. 
     Tonight was the night.
     By morning, one would be gone, moved out overnight, leaving no forwarding address.  The other?  A rich widow, although… a bit less rich due to payment for services rendered.   That trifling shortage would be more than remedied once the insurance paid out.  


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