Spring, at Last!

 Tanka Tuesday # 263

Taste the Rainbow - Color Poetry

"This week’s challenge is to choose your own syllabic form and a shade of green to feature in your syllabic poem. You’ll receive bonus points if you don’t use the name: green. You’ll also receive bonus points if you can also incorporate a different meaning for the word green in your poem."

 I've chosen to write an etheree, a poem of 10 lines, first line being one syllable, second line two syllables, and so forth until the tenth line has ten syllables.  It is named for Etheree Taylor Armstrong, the Arkansas poet who created the form.




up at last!

Also see the

sunny daffodils,

throw off the winter chill,

to upturn towards the sun,

no more stay hidden in the ground,

but garb themselves in vibrant tones,

of Nature's patchwork coat of verdancy.


©2022 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesday #tastetherainbow #syllabicpoetry #theversesmith #etheree #tankatuesdayno.263 #ethereepoem


  1. Your etheree is as vibrant as the flowers it describes! (And your spring is well ahead of mine)

    1. Thank you. We still have some frosty mornings, but I think (knock on wood) the worst of the winter cold is past.

  2. This poem is beautiful, Lisa! I love the energy in it. :-)

  3. This is a delightful and vibrant piece! I can't wait for spring!

  4. This is downright cheery!! Thank you😄. I am so ready for spring to stop coming & going and just stay.


  5. This is just lovely!

    -David [ben Alexander]

  6. gotta love a beautiful etheree.


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