
 Friday Fictioneers

Write a complete story, beginning, middle, and end with 100 words.  (...or less, but I always strive for exactly 100, it's my personal challenge!)

photo prompt:


100 words

Growing up it was exciting to see half a house going down the road.  Just think of it!  They took a house, cut it in half and were moving it!  Then, it really was half a house being moved.  Usually to make way for a new highway on or off ramp.  I knew a family who rented an old house trapped by overpasses.  It could never be moved, too tall, so it was eventually demolished.  You can’t just cut a house in half horizontally.  Now you can purchase a house and have it delivered in halves.  What progress we’ve made!

©2021 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved


  1. Dear Lisa,

    There's progress and then there's progress.



    1. Very true! And one man's progress is another man's... well, I guess destruction of what was?

  2. Nothing can stand in the way of new roads and progress.

    1. That's right, as they say, or used to say, you can't fight city hall.

  3. I love how ingenious we have gotten like that. I grew up in a modular house that was also shipped half at a time, and you can kind of tell where the half is, but only if someone points it out!

    1. I have never been inside one, but from the outside they look quite nice. Modern and new at least! My friend's house was really not worth moving, quite run down.

  4. Your story makes me think that maybe cutting a house in half does have its uses after all. :) I always thought it was a very weird concept.

    1. It is strange to think of moving a house, especially cutting it in half first! I guess if you have property already it's cheaper to buy a house slated for demolition.


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