Low Batteries and Long Nails
Friday Writings #160: Low Battery
"So this week's optional prompt is "low battery". Interpret that phrase however you wish in either poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction."
What a perfect prompt after yesterday's ordeal with a literal battery issue, leading into figurative low batteries in relation to life in general. I've written prose segueing into a tanka. If it were haiku following the prose it would be a haibun idyll, but I don't know if there's a name for using tanka.
It’s one thing after another. No, it’s one thing at the same time as another, with money for one. Make a choice. Put off the other. Is this what prioritize means? Top of list demoted once again. How long before it cycles back up? I can write prose and poetry, making light, when it’s sink or swim, isn’t it? Life’s expensive, but it’s better than the alternative. Most days.
so long the couple hundred
meant for better things
the dog needs his shots, nails clipped
life goes on, treading water
©2025 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved
Mickey does not let me touch is feet. Or the knots behind his ears. Or the knots in his tail. It's its own ordeal to get him into the car for a trip to get shots. He's sweet and smart and cuddly and a reactive dog.
Life goes on, treading water I like that Cute picture of the dogs paws. Nicely stretched out on the bed