What Do Mothers Know?
dVerse prompt for Sept. 9, 2024 For your Prosery prompt, I have selected the first line from her (Tina Chang) poem “Love”: “ I am haunted by how much our mothers do not know. ” Write a piece of prosery of up to or exactly 144 words, including the given line in the order in which it has been given. You may add or change punctuation, but you may not add or delete words. I purposely did not read the rest of Tina Chang's poem, as to not influence my first thoughts by her words and their meanings. I was recalled back to an overheard conversation between a group of teenage girls, who didn't realize I could hear. They were trying to come up with alternative ways they could have gotten "hickeys," or "love bites," what to tell their parents. I laughed and told them their parents told their parents those exact same things, and no one was fooled! No one would believe they "ran into a door knob," yet that's one that seems to pass through the ge...