The Mantis

 For DVerse's Quadrille #206 - Around the Bend 

"Pen us a poem of precisely 44 words (not counting the title), including some form of the word bend (past tense of it is ok also.)"

praying mantis on gladiola ©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson

Her forearms bent in prayer,

she slowly moves 

among the blossoms.

She pauses, turns her head

to look warily at me.

You have nothing to fear 

from me, Mantis.

I welcome you 

and promise to protect

your future progeny 

'til spring ushers them forth. 

©2024 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

praying mantis egg case winter 2023 ©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson

#quadrille #prayingmantis #prayingmantispoetry #dverse #quadrillemonday


  1. She and her offspring are blessed to have an ally in you, Lisa. Great photo!

  2. Oh goodness, Lisa, what a loving, appreciative poem. This was a delight for me to read.

    Much love,

  3. I found this quite interesting as a praying mantis had recently entered my life. I considered writing about my encounters. Your poem made me smile. - Truedessa


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