24 Seasons: Taisetsu (Heavy Snow) No. 11

 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 11

Heavy Snow (December 7 – 20) Taisetsu 大雪

"...choose a kigo word or phrase from the seasonal kigo list on the post, or you can choose from the winter category (world kigo database) on the kigo word list links below. Share your kigo word on your post."

I have chosen two to include in a shadorma.  "North wind" from In the Sky, and "rosemary" from In the Ground and Water.  The prostrate rosemary will be blooming all winter in zone 8b.

photo credit: Lisa Smith Nelson ©2023



laughs in North Wind’s face.

She laughs and


unmoved by Wind’s biting chill,

his sharp icy gusts.

©2023 Lisa Smith Nelson. All Rights Reserved

#tankatuesdaypoetrychallenge #tankatuesday24seasons #kigo #japanesepoetry #24seasons #taisetsu #rosemarypoetry 


  1. I love this so much, Lisa... Look at that beautiful rosemary!

    1. Thank you. :) I have several kinds of rosemary, and the prostrate is the hardiest. I lose a branch or two of Tuscan Blue every winter.

  2. Replies
    1. The rosemary definitely adds some color to the garden around now.

  3. Gosh, I've never seen rosemary bloom as yours does. How beautiful! And your verse is absolutely lovely. ❤️

  4. Rosemary is a favorite of mine. I bring it in each year and have started a lot of babies from it. It smells so delightful and love the idea of it laughing at winter.

  5. A welcome sight! (and scent)

  6. Beautiful and hardy! Your poem is lovely.

  7. Compelling imagery. Rosemary is a survivor, indeed!


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