Low Batteries and Long Nails
Poets and Storytellers United Friday Writings #160: Low Battery " So this week's optional prompt is "low battery". Interpret that phrase however you wish in either poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction. " What a perfect prompt after yesterday's ordeal with a literal battery issue, leading into figurative low batteries in relation to life in general. I've written prose segueing into a tanka. If it were haiku following the prose it would be a haibun idyll, but I don't know if there's a name for using tanka. It’s one thing after another. No, it’s one thing at the same time as another, with money for one. Make a choice. Put off the other. Is this what prioritize means? Top of list demoted once again. How long before it cycles back up? I can write prose and poetry, making light, when it’s sink or swim, isn’t it? Life’s expensive, but it’s better than the alternative. Most days. yep, the car won’t star...